What`S The Right Diet For You Episode 1


What`S The Right Diet For You Episode 1 Average ratng: 6,9/10 7145reviews

Grainne visits the lab to discover more about the body. Armed with the information, she finally plucks up the courage to take a diabetes test. Alice also puts three rugby players through their paces to find out how their kidneys cope under the stress of dehydration, and June from Aberdeen in Scotland speaks from her own experience about what happens when kidneys fail. When it is found to be a match, the programme follows the live transplant operation, but the procedure isn.

What`S The Right Diet For You Episode 1

We throw all sorts at them and they hardly ever let us down. In this series, we're going to look at the organs of the body. What happens to them when they go wrong, and how we can all keep themworking better for longer. And today, we're learning to love our kidneys. I'll test my own responses to a sugar rush and other things. And I'm hoping to see for myself,the dramatic treatment available when kidneys fail.

The Paleo Diet Craze, Pt 1. Oz investigates the popular protein-packed diet that promises big results! Find out if going Paleo is right for you and get a full-day. For the last 17 years, I've warned that artificial sweeteners can wreck your health. Aspartame is among the worst of the bunch, and in general, people.

Wondering how to start the raw food diet, also known as the raw vegan diet? It’s a common question. You’ve heard about the benefits that a diet of raw fruits.

The most amazing thing about our kidneys is the sheer volume of fluidthat they process without us being aware of it. In just seven seconds, this huge dam spills out as much water as I will wee out in a lifetime. But if we're talking about how much volume the kidneys filterin a lifetime, then that's lots more. Equivalent to nearly a quarter of an hour's worth of water flowing over this dam,if I live to be 8. Here are some kidneys. Now these are actually pigs' kidneys. But they're very similar to human kidneys and you'll notice immediately the similarity between this and this model over here which is the human urinary system.

And the kidneys really are wonderful organs. They sit there at the back ofyour abdomen, working away,making sure that all of the fluid in your body, is it exactly the right composition for your cells to carry onworking properly. They also make sure there's the right volume of fluid in your body and they also get rid of waste as well. And you can see, coming out of the kidney is a tube which transports the urin down to the bladder. But considering they're such remarkable organs,how many of us know our anatomywell enough to say exactly where they are?

This week in a special investigation Catalyst explores the science behind the low carb diet What are the health benefits and are there any risks? Is it suitable for.

Diet Plans Ketogenic Diet: Your Complete Meal Plan and Supplement Guide Jumping into the ketogenic diet without a rock-solid plan will set you up for failure. Lose Weight on the Day-Off Diet With MUFAs. Oz shares the simple snacks that you can enjoy on the Day-Off Diet. They all contain MUFAs, or mono.

Man in the street Looks like liver to me. Woman in the street That's awful. I don't have a clue. Two woman in the street Isn't it? Kidneys gothere somewhere.

Teenager in the street I think it's a kidney. And I think it goes there. Dr Alice Roberts Well, people weren't far off because this is where the kidneys are in relation to your back. And in fact, they are just hanging down beneath your last rib. So, the last rib - the 1. So, the bottom part of the kidney hangs down below it. And you can see here, I've drawn the renal artery bringing blood to the kidney, and the renal vein carrying it away again.

Mum of two, Grainne O'Neil has a family history of diabetes which isn't caused by the kidneys, but has a major impact on them. Her 4. 0th birthday has madeher rethink her lifestyle. Grainne I didn't think that turning 4. And when it happened, I thought to myself, I'm halfway through my life.

At least halfway through. So, I just thought to myself, I've got to do something. I've got to change something to make me live longer, so that I can see my kids grow up. Dr Alice Roberts Grainne is keen not to become a kidney disease statistic.

Most of us have only ever seen kidneys in a frying pan. But Grainne's about to come and see some kidneys up close in the lab. Grainne It will be one of these things, you don't really want to see it. So.. I'm looking forward to meeting her, obviously. But, you know,I'm a little bit nervous. But we'll see. I'm sure it'll be fine. Dr Alice Roberts I want her to find out exactlywhat our kidneys do, and why it's important to look after them.

The kidneys' job is to keep a tight rein on the volume and compositionof your blood. The waste and excess water that they filter out forms urine. Yeah, I think so.

I think it's a boy. Ha ha ha! Grainne Are you sure?

Dr Alice Roberts Do you have any idea what you'regoing to expect to see inside that? Grainne. Some tubes? The Next Step Season 4 Episode 4 Dailymotion more. Dr Alice Roberts Um, sort of tubes, yes. We won't actually see the tubes that do the business of the kidney, the actual filtering of the blood,cause they're far too small to see at this level. Getting through it now, I think.

Yes, there we go. It's got.. see allthis white bit here?

That's where the urin actually collects. So, the urine is being formed in the substance of the kidney and then it collects into this white area here, and then that leads off into the ureter which is the tube that takes the urine into the bladder. The kidneys are constantly working to balance the fluids in our body. But I want to find out what happens when they're put to the test. This is an academy squad from Bath Rugby Club. My three guinea pigs will help me discover how the kidneys respond to some punishment - dehydration. First I've got to weigh them to see how much fluid they lose in sweat during training.

Alright, thank you. You can all go and do your training now. See you in a bit. I would have thought logically that plain water would be the best thing to re- hydrate the body after exercise.

But it seems you can re- hydrate quicker by tricking the kidneys. It's the theory on which isotonic sports drinks are based. I'm going to weigh our six grams of salt and add that to two litres of water. One of our rugby players is going to drink that as a re- hydration fluid, One of our rugby players is going to drink pure water, and the other rugby player is going to drink nothing at all and we're going to see what their kidneys make of that because we're going to analyse their urine afterwards. I'll weigh them again later to see how mush sweat they've lost. Then I'll give them a matching amount to drink.

I'm fascinated to see if this experiment will work. In theory, the player drinking the salt solution should pee less because his blood will get less diluted than it would do if he drank pure water. So, the kidneys will actually hold on to the extra volume. The one that's drinking pure water should pee more because his blood is diluted and so the kidneys will notice that and work to get rid of the extra fluid.

Training over, and another weigh- in. A kilogram and a half lost in sweat, means I'm going to give them a litre and a half of fluid. Now, this is our salt solution. It might taste a little bit salty, but I've put some lemon squash in there as well. So, you need to drink that as quickly as you can really. There's your one- and- a- half litresof plain water. Adam, I'm really sorry.

I'm not going to let you drink anything. If you pee at all, can you make sure it goes in there? We'll see the results of our re- hydration experiment in just a moment. Chronic dehydration can lead to crystals forming in the urine and that's kidney stones.

I have an x- ray of someone who had kidney stones and there it is. The kidney doesn't show up 'cause the x- ray's going straight through it, but the kidney stones are made of a calcium compound and it's big. They're not just tiny little stones. They can get really big. Watch Breakfast On Pluto Online Free 2016. I've got a few here.

These are real kidney stones. It's made of a calcium compound. So, it looks a bit like chalk,feels a bit like chalk as well. There's a smaller one. That smaller one might be able to get out of the kidney along the normal route.

Down the tubes, through the bladder and out. But that's going to hurt!

When we left our rugby players, we were waiting for them to pee. Two hours later, and time for the results. Adrian, how have you done? Now, you had the salt solution, didn't you? You've produced - how much is that? Nearly 4. 00ml of fairly dilute urine. So, let's compare that with Jack.

Jack, you had the one- and- a- half litres of plain water, didn't you? So, salt in it at all. How have you done?

Half a litre of urine. As expected, Adam who's drunk nothing, has peed very little. His kidneys have done their job andhung on to the fluid in his body. This is really interesting 'cause although we've only got three people doing this experiment, the results are bearing out with what the larger studies show.

In other words, obviously drinking water is fantastic.

How Aspartame Can Wreak Havoc on Your Health. By Dr. Mercola. For the last 1. I've warned that artificial sweeteners can wreck your health. Aspartame is among the worst of the bunch, and in general, people who consume aspartame tend to be in poorer health. They also tend to develop more of a sweet tooth. I found the evidence against artificial sweeteners to be so compelling, and the hazards so disconcerting, I wrote an entire book on the subject called Sweet Deception, published in 2. Soda consumption is now in .

Sales of Diet Mountain Dew also fell more sharply than regular Mountain Dew. As reported by Time Magazine: 3. Even diet- branded drinks have suffered a loss of sales with concerns over artificial sweeteners. Also, quite frankly, I'm tired of writing about something this obviously harmful. I'll be happy to move on to other challenges that threaten your health. Women Drinking Two Diet Sodas Per Day Are 5.

Percent More Likely to Die from Heart- Related Disease. Most recently, one of the largest studies of its kind, which included nearly 6. The findings were presented at the American College of Cardiology's 6. Annual Scientific Session in Washington, DC. As reported by the University of Iowa: 7. Ankur Vyas.. On average, women who consumed two or more diet drinks a day were younger, more likely to be smokers, and had a higher prevalence of diabetes, high blood pressure, and higher body mass index.

The nutritional data was gathered using questionnaires, and people are notorious for not remembering exactly what they eat and drink each week. So while there's an association, the study cannot prove causation. Still, other studies have come to the same conclusion, so these findings simply add to an already voluminous pile of evidence showing an association between artificial sweeteners and poor health outcomes. According to Susie Swithers, a professor of psychological sciences at Purdue University who studies the effects of artificial sweeteners in animals, the featured findings are not at all surprising. Her animal research also shows that diet drinks promote heart problems, and that animals fed artificial sweeteners develop a disrupted metabolic response to real sugar.

She recently told Medicine. Net. com: 8. Their blood sugars go up higher than they should. They also make less of a heart- protective protein.

If drinking diet soda interferes with this system, then over the long term you're taking something away that protects your cardiovascular health, and that could be what's contributing to these effects. This link is easier to grasp however, since more people understand the health hazards of excessive sugar consumption nowadays. The fact that low- or no- calorie sweeteners do as much harm (or more!) than sugar, on the other hand, has seemed, and still seems, counterintuitive to many. In fact, we may finally have reached the tipping point where enough people understand the hazards, which means the end of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners is near. On the contrary, studies that look at this actually find artificial sweeteners promoteweight gain. Part of the reason why artificial sweeteners don't work as advertised (such as help you lose weight and manage your insulin) relates to the fact that your body is not fooled by sweet taste without accompanying calories.

Scientific American. In a nutshell, when you eat something sweet, your brain releases dopamine, which supplies you with a jolt of pleasure.

Your brain's reward center is activated. The appetite- regulating hormone leptin is also released, which eventually informs your brain that you are . In contrast, when you consume something sweet but non- caloric (i.

As a result, you may end up overeating. Another recent report published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism. The sad fact is, Americans in particular are addicted to sweet flavors, which appears to trigger a complex set of biological systems, pathways, and mechanisms that in the end leads to excess weight gain—whether that flavor comes loaded with calories or not. Artificial Sweeteners Actually INCREASE Weight Gain. The connection between sweet taste alone and increased hunger can be found in the medical literature going back at least two decades. These two studies, for example, dating back to the late 8. Physiology & Behavior, 1.

In this study, they determined that intense (no- or low- calorie) sweeteners can produce significant changes in appetite. Of the three sweeteners tested, aspartame produced the most pronounced effects. The authors stated. Thus, the concentration of the sweetener, the sex of the subject, and the time after chewing, were all important determinants of whether 'sweetness' increased hunger. Atlantis Tv Show Season 3 more.

The phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, which provides the majority of the sweetness. Not so with the methanol created by aspartame; there it's not bonded to anything that can help eliminate it from your body. That's problem number one. This is why animal testing of aspartame does not fully apply to humans. According to Dr. Methyl alcohol is known now, and has been known since 1.

Monte, in humans, the methanol ends up acting as a Trojan horse, and here's how. Both animals and humans have small structures called peroxisomes in each cell. There are a couple of hundred in every cell of your body, which are designed to detoxify a variety of chemicals.

Peroxisome contains catalase, which help detoxify methanol. Other chemicals in the peroxisome convert the formaldehyde to formic acid, which is harmless, but, again, this last step occurs only in animals. Human peroxisomes cannot convert the toxic formaldehyde into harmless formic acid.

And since there's no catalase present, the formaldehyde is free to cause enormous damage in your tissues. Symptoms from methanol poisoning are many, and include headaches, ear buzzing, dizziness, nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances, weakness, vertigo, chills, memory lapses, numbness and shooting pains in the extremities, behavioral disturbances, and neuritis. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen that causes retinal damage, interferes with DNA replication and may cause birth defects. Not surprisingly, the most comprehensive and longest human study looking at aspartame toxicity found a clear association between aspartame consumption and non- Hodgkin's Lymphoma and leukemia. In my opinion, it's doubtful that these newer sweeteners will be any safer than previous versions, but it may fool many, because these newer additives won't be listed on the label. The sweetener, developed by Senomyx—a biotech company that specializes in novel flavor modifiers and flavor enhancing food additives—was recently granted Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status,1. It will simply be lumped together under the .

Rather, it is a flavor modifier; a chemical substance (protected as a trade secret) that tricks the taste receptors on your tongue to send the message to your brain that what you're tasting is sweeter than it really is. Hence, less fructose or sugar can be used in the product, while still providing the same sweet taste.

But as discussed earlier, such tricks tend to backfire, and could create unsuspected metabolic havoc. At present, no one knows exactly what the ramifications might be. I'd be leery of anything listing .

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